Sandy Shefchik (Wegner)
Wow - what a cool website - great job, Scott!! Thanks, Brian and everyone else that have been working so hard to pull this together! Craig and I have been married for 27 years and have 3 sons (Alex 29; Jordan 26; Logan 20) - yep, empty nesters and expecting our first grand-daughter in December. It'll be 24 years this November at Honeywell (Financial Analyst). Busy working hard trying to convince myself I'm never too old for anything (ha) - ran Boston Marathon in April, Cellcom Marathon in May and now training for 1/2 Ironman in July (and Marquette Marathon in Sept.) - who says we are getting old?!!! Hope we can make the reunion, but will depend on the weather. We have plans to drag race that weekend, but if it rains, we'll plan to be there!! Take care, everyone - hope all is well!! :)
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